Gadwall Landing

I was lucky to capture this Gadwall coming in for a landing on a early, calm morning.

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Is this a composite: No
I photoshopped out a few little floaty dots from the water. D500, Nikon 200-500 lens, 1/2500th, f 5.6, 500mm, ISO 750, DeNoise, hand held, cropped to 2134 x 2447.


Ho-lee Cow!! This is amazing and wonderful!! I’d maybe wish for just a bit more canvas on the right, but that’s a very small nit.

Brilliant. A second before the bird touches its reflection. Great capture.
I agree with @Diane_Miller that if there would be anything to wish, it could be a bit more space on the right side.

Wow, what a great catch. Very much a mind bending scene. I love it.

Amazing timing and so great to have that still water. Crisp focus and great exposure.

Very nice Dave. Lovely scene and captured well.

Hi Dave
The feather detail and coloring on this Gadwall is vary nice. The landing and reflection put this photograph in another world. Very cool.