Getting into a photograph

Description: This was a fast moving stream and, it turns out, plenty deep enough to reach well above my knees a minute after I made this image! Was it worth it? Yes, but also grateful no further damage was done to me or my camera. I enjoy seeing the different section of the image and how they both blend from one to the other and also remain distinguished.

Specific Feedback Requested: What pleases you about this image?

Pertinent technical details or techniques: Pentax K-7 at 1/50th and f/4.0 at ISO 400 and 70mm

Is this a composite? (focus stacks or exposure blends are not considered composites) A single image

If you would like your image to be eligible for a feature on the NPN Instagram (@NaturePhotoNet), add the tag ‘ig’ and leave your Instagram username below.


@JohnSnell The colors and patterns on the left are really pretty and my favorite part of the image. However, I also like the contrast between the fast moving water on the right and the static part on the left with a dark line dividing the two. Very interesting image!