Going for the Gold + Repost

105mm, f5.6, 1/1600, iso200, Manual focus
Any comments appreciated.

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.

Wonderful detail in the bee, Dan and a very pleasing composition, though I think you could crop up to just below the flower. The dark area at the bottom doesn’t really seem to add anything.

Dan, very nice detail and beautiful flower.
I agree with Dennis that the dark area is distracting, and this would be better cropped so it’s only flower and bee.
Nice find!

Hi Dan,

Good work with a fairly wide open aperture. Lighting is fairly strong and I find the highlights to be a distraction. Cropping some from the bottom will strengthen your composition and details are ideal. Well done…Jim

I agree with all the others. A crop of the bottom and pull in the sides to maintain the same crop ratio is a solid recommendation. All the bottom black disappears and the bee still remains in the LL third.

I should have posted this… This was my first crop and I backed off due to bad judgement…!

Nice repost, Dan. I’ve second guessed myself into following some compositional “rule” that doesn’t really work with the image far too many times.

Dan: I do prefer the crop but now wish the bee had a bit more room. Can’t have everything I suppose. Still a very good image.>=))>

Dan, the details and sharpness of the bee are outstanding. The colors and details in the flower are also great. The cropping is a tough choice. I like the original a bit better as I find the bee too close to the bottom in the cropped version. I think including some or even all of the petal edges at the bottom works well.