I saw this daisy greeting the sun one morning and couldn’t resist getting out my camera.
What technical feedback would you like if any? I appreciate any comments
What artistic feedback would you like if any? About the composition or anything else.
Pertinent technical details or techniques: Olympus OMD camera, 60mm macro lens. ISO 100, f/5, 1/30 second. Tripod. Focus stacking in Ps.
(If the background has been replaced, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)
If you would like your image to be eligible for a feature on the NPN Instagram (@NaturePhotoNet), add the tag ‘ig’ and leave your Instagram username below.
This is fascinating and gorgeous! The partially-open flower is unusual and you framed it so nicely, so that the just-opening open petals point to the more fully open ones. The colors and detail make the image a treat to explore. The light coming through the open ones is the grace note. Well done!
Ann Louise: Baby gerberas are wonderful subjects, especially when caught in such good light. This looks like a very nice stacking job as well. Most excellent. >=))>
Diane, thanks so much for your comments… I had not noticed the relationship between the longer and short petals.
Just a note on my rose photo…I have been using the clone tool in a new way as you suggested, varying the opacity. What an improvement!
Patricia, thank you for commenting on my Gerber Daisy photo! I had to get down very low to capture this flower just opening its petals. I have a great small tripod for these situations.