Gossamer Veil

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


And finally, one last image from our backpacking trip in October. In the end, despite my camera adventure, this was one of the more enjoyable trips I’ve taken for photography. Great weather, companionship, and oh such a beautiful place.

I took this image between my prior two posts, just before putting the camera back with desiccants for the hike out. The rapidly moving fog sweeping by would thicken and thin, creating fascinating conditions; I wish I could have stayed and played the entire day.

Specific Feedback

I’d love your thoughts on the contrast level in this image, and whether you think you would prefer it toned. The clarity of the foreground contrasting with the high-key background is what attracted me to this image, and a low-contrast black and white seemed to express that much better than color or high contrast. I often tone my black and white images, but just straight shades of gray seemed to work better to me.

All thoughts and suggestions are appreciated.

Technical Details

NIKKOR Z 14-30 f/4S at 27.0 mm
1/640 sec. at f/8.0 and ISO 64


This works SO WELL!! The natural higher contrast at the bottom, fading into the BG and up to the mountain, is a very unusual and wonderful capture. The trees are a prominent element and they come to a pleasing end at both edges. The mountain is a little off center, balanced by the larger trees to the left.

I’m sitting there (with morning coffee) enjoying it while you guys are packing up to leave.

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This is lovely John. The contrast level works well. I like it as is.

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Although the previous images were very beautiful I find this to be the most creative work of them all.

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I ove this image John. Excellent the contrast of the reflected part of the image in the water and also natural for me as the image reflected is often more clear and stark as the real part. Also excellent for me the conversion in a scale of gray very suitable for a foggy photo.

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Wow, this is almost surreal. It’s as if the dark rocks are floating in front of a painting.

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This is beautiful John! The low contrast rendering is perfect for this scene. I like Bonnie’s analogy.

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I totally agree! It was a great trip all around!

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I’m pretty sure you would have been perched somewhere capturing something truly amazing… :grinning:

To quote that oft repeated line in the movie “The Gods Must Be Crazy,” I don’t want to talk about it… :grinning:

I have pulled this trick once before. The first full trip I took the camera on, @Steve_Kennedy and I were photographing Lower Lewis River Falls and my camera didn’t latch well into the mount. I turned around to get something out of my camera bag and it went kerplunk right into the river.

Interestingly I really wasn’t worried about dunking the camera, although I obviously should have been, but I do worry about extended shooting in the rain, which is a common issue in the Pacific Northwest. I figure it’s not a bad idea to bring a Ziploc big enough to fit the camera in, and a couple of packets (stored in the bag) of desiccant when out shooting. It’s not too big or heavy, so even backpacking it’s pretty easy to bring along as a safety net. It really saved me on this trip.

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