Great Blue catching shad

Great Blue Heron seen at a local park this weekend.

Specific Feedback Requested


Technical Details

Canon R7, Sigma 150-600 Contemporary
ISO 1600, f6.3, 1/640s, hand held


Two very nice shots, Allen. No motion blur in the first, and a fine contrasting BG in the second. I always try to see if it’s the same individual when I get more than one shot of a species. I’m guessing that these are different because I don’t see the head plumes in the first, but they could well be on the far side of its head.

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Hi Allen,
These are fine shots, they are both nice and sharp and I like the overall look in both.
I see that even minimum aperture still got more than just the heron in focus (from the detail in the tall grasses in the second shot), of course the heron was pretty close to the grass in that shot. That makes me curious about the focal length used on that shot.
The first shot seems to have a little less DOF? Maybe?
The reason I’m curious about the focal length is because I will probably buy that lens soon (except I’ll be getting the sports version made for Sony mirrorless, they don’t have a contemporary version for Sony yet).

I can’t help but wonder if the heron managed to get that fish down? It looks like it plucked a little more than it could swallow :open_mouth:

Very nice! :slight_smile:

Edit: I forgot that I could find the focal length myself, the focal length on the first one was 421mm while the focal length on the second one was 468mm.

Love the feather detail and the action

Thank you for the comment Mervin! Yes the heron did manage to eat the fish. And rather easily too. I’ve seen them get down bigger fish than this.

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Wow! That’s amazing!
I need to get out more :slight_smile:

I’ve managed to get a few shots of Egrets and Cranes eating large minnows but never anything of this size.

Thanks for taking the time to respond, Allen

All the best.

Good job on catching this action the first image. That is a large meal. The other image is also quite nice with excellent detail and color. I like the setting. Both images are compelling and well done.

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That first image is an awesome action shot, Allen. Wow.

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Your images always have such a wonderfully clean look, and these continue that tradition! Wonderful sharpness and detail! Great catch for both of you in the first! I wonder if the second doesn’t need a touch of CCW rotation – maybe just an optical illusion but I want to level up the bright reed in the BG and that would bring the FG ripples closer to level.

Nice and crisp images of the heron, the fish-shot is awesome… Love the way it holds the fish. Nice work! Hans

Allen, what a great catch for the both of you. Wonderful details in both the GB and the fish. Nice that the fish is facing you too. Both shots are really nice, but of course with the large fish it really makes this shot even better. I’m amazed he was able to eat it.