Great blue Heron posing

Photo in Patagonia state Park. Did basic adjustments in Lightroom and cropped to 60%. Then ran Topaz A. I. to improve detail. Went from 2mb to 95mb and resized in PSCC to get back to 2mb. Interesting process to im

prove low resolution photos or ones that need a large crop.
Interested in all feed back and anyone else who has used Topaz.
Canon 7D Markll,Sigma 150-600C, 600mm, f/8, 1/800 ,ISO 400,Lightroom, PSCC and Topaz.

What technical feedback would you like if any?

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

Any pertinent technical details:

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.

Hi Charlie:

I like the pose from the Heron. Kinda their own special look.

When I view the larger image, it looks like you have reasonable sharpness and detail on the folded wing, but the front feathers under the beak, and the head / eye just aren’t sharp. My first thought was camera shake, but at 1/800, that shouldn’t be the case. Still looks more like a camera movement issue, rather than a focus issue.

The bird not being sharp is an issue. Perhaps you were handholding? That would explain 1/800 not being high enough SS. But it’s a nice pose on a nice log. I like the fluffed up breast feathers too.