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A great capture - I love the wingtips dipping into the water. The second shot is nice as well, with good techs, but the first image is far more interesting.
The first shot ticks the boxes for me. The wings touching the water, the splash, the nice light, the warmer background and warmer colors on the heron. Great image.
Looks like you had a lot of fun with these Great Blue Herons, Allen! What a great opportunity! These too are very good in-flight shots. The first one with the wing tips touching the water is unique. The only nit on that one is that the exposure was a little hot with blown out white feathers on its head. I actually like the second one better though and the exposure is better on that one also. You really took advantage of your opportunity!
Really nice shots of the GBH, Allen. I really like the first one. The way the reflection even makes a complete circle if you will is neat. That warm BG makes it stand out too. Don’t get me wrong, I would be proud to call the second one mine! Both excellent shots.