Finally, I’ve had the chance to get out and do some photography so I can post something current. This Green Heron was found at the South Padre Island Birding and Nature Center. I don’t get to see these Herons as often as some of the others so it was a treat to find him in a nice spot. Any comments appreciated!
What technical feedback would you like if any?
What artistic feedback would you like if any?
This is cropped maybe 10% for aspect ratio and to eliminate some intruding limbs. I prefer to crop as little as possible but is the lighter band at the top a problem? I felt it was muted enough to get away with it.
The bit of white works pretty well since it’s balanced by the similar area on the bottom, Terri. You might try bringing the brightness down on the whole background a bit to see if you like it better. An excellent pose and detail in the heron.
Beautiful look at the heron and I like the pose. I agree with Dennis’s thought that darkening the background might provide more contrast between it and the heron.
Classic pose in soft light. Nice detail and not to noisy at 1600 ISO. I might remove the white band at the top, although the lighter top and bottom borders work.
Terri, this is excellent! It’s a perfect profile, superb feather detail and the exposure looks quite good. With this as a baseline you could work with different options on exposure and contrast to your liking. I would never complain about the background. It’s nicely soft and natural. Once in a while I have a chance to get Greenies in a frame, but I’ve never seen one so well groomed and posing this well. Lucky you!
Thanks everyone for the feedback. I did try darkening the background but then kept adjusting it brighter to get to my liking. Ended up with almost the same as the original.
Excellent detail,color,light and background. I think the white areas are fine because the heron is entirely in the green. I also like the diagonal perch.