Gulping the Unvoiced

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


This sandstone texture seems to capture a moment of restraint, where the intricate layers mirror the complexity of thoughts held back, as though the earth itself is withholding its tales, choosing which secrets to reveal and which to keep hidden within its silent embrace.

Specific Feedback

Any constructive feedback welcome.

Technical Details

18 mm at ISO 100 and 1⁄200sec at ƒ/8

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I love the patterns here, Saundie. Somehow I think this might be more copelling rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise.

That’s what I love about this type of work Dennis we can flip and rotate it until it makes sense to an individual. Thanks for the feedback. :pray:

Fascinating! Each version offers a unique perspective Saundie.

In your original, I see a face on the right. The eyes appear to be closed but there is a grin. The face is partially obscured by a blanket of sandstone. Time for sweet dreams perhaps.

On the left I see another warped face. The lines around the “eye” are cracked and warped. There is no smile on this one. It’s a frown. Perhaps this soul is crying itself to sleep or is having nightmares. The contrasting of emotions is superb! No changes or revisions needed for me.

In the vertical orientation, the faces are gone but I see the recurring theme of time slipping away. The sandstone is getting funneled through an hour glass.

Thanks Alfredo! This is the great thing about abstracts there seems to always be another face/body/animal. I have had so many point out things I just have never noticed, just as you have. I remember in the 60’s my parents were into abstracts they had them hanging everywhere, my brother and I would spend hours discovering new things in them ( lack of toys), it was good for the imagination .

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A fascinating subject, well captured.

I think it might be better if the dark areas were lightened some. Also, it seems to me that the dark line connecting the two main shapes might be emphasized a little more. And of course I see a different orientation. :slight_smile: But I don’t claim to know anything and it’s your taste buds that matter.

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I love this!! Speaking of taste buds, it could be some sort of decadent chocolate swirly thing. Whatever it is, a wonderful find and presentation!

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Thanks Don! And thanks for your interpretation and the effort you went to present it, I like what you have done. I think abstract work allows for every taste be it chocolate (as Diane mentions) or coffee, portrait or landscape, you get to choose your own adventure. One should probably never hand sign an abstract?

Thanks Diane, there is definitely a chocolate swirly thing in there. :+1: