The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
We had some nice cloudy-bright light a couple of days ago and I sat near the bird feeders a while and got a few good shots. Haven’t put up the blind yet for fear it will blow away in our spring winds. If I’m very still I seem to be tolerated, but need to keep my hands on the camera (which is on a tripod) as that much movement will send them packing and I need to aim and react very quickly to catch them in a good pose.
Specific Feedback
All comments welcome!
Technical Details
Minimal processing in LR. Into PS to darken the ends of the perch. Cropped from a horizontal frame.
A very nice perch and beautiful processing on the finch, Diane. If you’re interested in adding another toy or two, Tragopan sells a nice chair and makes an accompanying chair blind that would be easy to set up for a session and take down at the end.
Thanks, @Dennis_Plank – I’ve looked at their blinds and will be needing a replacement for mine someday – it’s degrading from being out in the sun too much. I have a lightweight folding chair but my blind is a bit tight and I’m better off with a folding campstool. Worth considering a bigger blind next time, though, with room for a chair. I do have room for a small folding table – just big enough for a coffee cup and a danish.
Oh he’s gorgeous. There’s been a pair hanging around the feeder recently and I will try to get some shots if they stick around. It sleeted, snowed then rained today so it didn’t happen. As usual the colors, light, perch and pose are pretty terrific. I really need to use my Tragopan blind this year. It’s on my photography to do list. It’s a long one!
Hi Diane
I thought I recognized the perch. (Ideal size for this House Finch). The photograph is very sharp and has great eye contact. I can’t of a better way to spend a day.
Nice work.