House Sparrow taking a bath

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


It has been raining constantly over the last weeks, the upside being fresh water pools everywhere were birds can take a bath. This House Sparrow was side-lit by the sun, the BG is a sea container which’ side was in the shadow.

Specific Feedback


Technical Details

Nikon Z9 with 500mm f4 - 1/2500s | f4,5 | ISO640 | underexposed 2FS - lying on the ground wearing a leaking rain suit. I selectively brightened the bird a bit in post processing.

Deja vu! I was on your blog today and saw this series. It’s a lot of fun. I think this is probably the most dynamic out of all of them because of the bird’s position (that tail!) and the water drops. Nice reflection, too. Worth getting in the mud a bit I think. I could see brightening the eye just a touch if you had a mind.

You caught a great pose and I love the lighting, Hans. I also like the fact that all those drops ended up being out of focus. I usually end up with a mix of in and out and this works better in my opinion.

Glad to see you back posting, Hans. Lovely, low angle look at the sparrow with nice light and the dark background works well.

This is so good. The side light is really nice, the low angle you got and that tail in the airis just perfect. I agree with @Kris_Smith about a dash more light on the eye. Excellent image. All that rain gave you a nice little surprise.

Hi Hans, really nice image with a great pose (upward tail) and action. The side light works great to show the feather detail of the bird. No nits from me. Well done.

Thanks @Kris_Smith , @Dennis_Plank , @Allen_Brooks , @Allen_Sparks and @David_Haynes for your comments and suggestions, brightening the eye a bit is a good suggestion, especially for smaller sizes (on my 27" screen is it sufficient, but the smaller one views the image, the less the eye can been seen, so thank!).
Best, Hans

Hi Hans
The side light really helps to punch out the Sparrow from the background. The overall image is great, with water spray, great feather detail and eye contact.

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Hans, this is a really nice capture of this Sparrow bathing. I like everything about it and can’t think of a thing that could improve it. Great shot!

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