Hovering Siskin

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I got this pine siskin hovering near our nyjer seed feeder yesterday in some gloomy light. I now know what fine looking wing feathers they actually have. All of my previous shots of them have been perched, and tucked in. Who knew?!

Specific Feedback

I am tickled to get this capture. I think of the subject as being its wing design, which is the most in focus. Does it still survive as a shot in spite of its head being somewhat soft?

Technical Details

Z9, 180-600 lens, Nikon 1.4 TC, monopod, 1/1250th, f 9.0, 340mm, ISO 14400, cropped to 5949 x 5170

Great catch, Dave. I am a bit surprised that the Z9 didn’t stay locked on the eye. I’m a bit ambivalent about the softness of the head. It’s really cool to catch the wing position like you did. I’d say for pixel peepers like we all are on this site, the softness is a definite liability, but shown to the typical audience the response would be Ooh! Aah!

The head looks soft in the larger version, but okay in the smaller ones and the color in the wings and the wing action make up for it.