How small we are!

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Flying back over SW Florida revealed an amazing sight of the sandbars below the water and what was probably a very large motor boat that barely showed up in the image.

Specific Feedback

Any and all

Technical Details

Minolta, 1/500, f/5.6, 50mm, ISO100 with adjustments to tone curves in LR

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Great small in the frame submission. Until I read your explanation, I did not know what it is. I thought maybe a rocket headed into the wild blue yonder or you layered a comet into a sky picture. I did not initially think of water and sand bars (never thought of sand bars). Nice image.

Thanks, @Jim_Gavin , I often hear “I like that but what is it?!” So much of my work fits right in here. I used to fly so much that I could almost always get the airplane seat I wanted—non-sun side, in front of the wing—but could never guarantee what the window itself would look like. I must say de-haze works wonders on images made from airplane windows!

This is really interesting John. I was thinking waves until I read your post. I love the soft lines of the sand bars, very much like those in all the sand dune images we see. Nice post.