Hummingbird Moth caterpillar + damselfly

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Playing with the macro lens in the garden yesterday. Found another hummingbird moth caterpillar and a Fragile Forktail damselfly.

Specific Feedback

Caterpillar is a single shot.
Damselfly is a three image stack. Middle of the damsel isn’t quite as sharp as the rest.
Just any comments on sharpness and general appeal of the images.

Technical Details

Canon 90D, Sigma 150 macro, 1.4x extender, 580 EX II Speedlite, tripod, Angler 100 diffuser.
ISO 400, f32, 1/250s.
Flash @ 1/32 power.

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

Two gorgeous images, Allen. You have superb detail in both. The first has e wondering whether the little brown thing on the forehead is debris or a mite.

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I really like the caterpillar - they never pose so nicely or sit so still for me. I guess I need to use flash as you did here to achieve anything so good. But that would mean braving the mosquitos which are out of control this year. Anyway…been feeling kind of out of it with photography lately and so haven’t been commenting much, but these are so fresh, vibrant and well done that I had to say so. Still life in that 90D!!

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Thank you for your comments Kris. Sorry you feel out of it photography wise. I think we all get in a bit of a rut on occasion. I always enjoy seeing your posts and reading your insights so I hope your stagnation is brief.

Thanks @Allen_Sparks - it’s all part of the creative ebb and flow. Maybe I’ll start a discussion about it, but I’ve long stopped flogging myself over it. When I’m out in nature I enjoy the time there even if it doesn’t result in any photos, or very few. I’ve also been reading (actual physical books! lol) and spending time at the jewelry bench creating stuff. Some failures there, too, but those are part of learning the craft of metalsmithing, so not all is wasted.

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Allen, I too like the caterpillar the best, but both are good. I know what you mean @Kris_Smith I have been struggling too, especially in macro. I need to get at it. I was able to go out a few times taking photos of birds, and that got my photography juices flowing. Now I need to do macro, but in my yard I haven’t seen much of anything lately (got to admit I haven’t been out there searching like I used to either).

Anyway, back to your photos, when I have shot either of these subjects I usually don’t get lined up quite right and so one end or the other is usually soft. You did a great job.