Another photographer friend and I went over to the Botanical Gardens this morning since today was the first cool day we have had in a long time. Last two weeks it has been around 100 for the high, so 65 when we headed out felt wonderful. I like the way the yellow flower shows through his wing.
What technical feedback would you like if any?
What artistic feedback would you like if any?
Pertinent technical details or techniques:
Canon 7D II, 180 mm L macro lens on a monopod with small gimbal head. Settings f4.5, 1/3200, ISO (auto) 500.
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I like your DOF here, everything that needs to be sharp is, and the background is nicely controlled at the same time. I like that you caught the moth with its wings against the yellow flower (I assume the wings are translucent). Exposure, contrast.color processing look great to me.
I am a little torn on the OOF stem in the upper left corner. It does effectively frame the moth, and fills negative space, so it serves an important purpose. i hope you don’t mind, but Just for fun, I downloaded it and cropped the top and left, and cloned away the remaining stem, just to see how that looks.
Wow, what an improvement! Thanks, Ed. I appreciate that. Sometimes I think I just don’t think about doing things like that while editing. That is why it is nice to have more than one set of eyes. I will make that change. I like what you did. And yes, his wings are translucent, and I too liked very much that the wings happened to be over the yellow flowers in the background. I appreciate you taking your time to view, comment and even edit to show me a better way to present this image.
Shirley: Ed beat me to it on the ULC and I like his revision. Of course the raw material is really good to begin with. I might even crop tighter not so much for a better image but a different one. Nicely done. >=))>
Thank you, Bill. I like that crop too. Both crops are better than what I did. I will have to decide which one I like the best. You guys are really a huge help at helping me see my images in different ways to present them.
Hi Shirley, love these moths and you did a fine job capturing this one. I find them quite a challenge. I think I like Bill’s tight crop best to really show off and focus our attention on the moth. I think I need to raise my shutter speed like you did the next time I find one of these.