Intimate moment with my Hummingbird

Really… This backyard female Anna lets me get remarkably close and watches me take her picture…
By close, I mean I can almost touch her.
D610, 600mm, f8, 1/2000, iso1000

Any comments appreciated.

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.

Beautiful portrait and I love the preening position, Dan. If she lets you get that close, maybe you should try using that macro lens! The lighting goes very well with the dark background on this image.

I don’t have a critique on your shot other than to say I love it! She’s a beautiful little bird and I love the low key nature of the capture here.

Very cool shot Dan.
On my monitor I do see a couple of shades of black around the bird and perch in bands - maybe cloning / healing tool strokes?

I like how unusual this pose is.  Also that the head gets the most light so that the viewer can easily see the eye, which is most expressive.


I really like the pose, detail, and color on this Anna’s hummingbird. I also see some lighter black areas around the bird and perhaps some banding. I generally just reprocess these from the beginning and try to see where the artifacts showed up and eliminate or adjust that step.

Ditto on the pose and lighting, very nice low key presentation.

I too see the lighter shade of black but on my monitor it looks as though a selection was made perhaps to darken the background but adding feathering would have been better.