What technical feedback would you like if any? Any critique is welkom. I think it is OK like this but wonder about your opinion.
What artistic feedback would you like if any? Also any that can help me to make better images
Pertinent technical details or techniques: nikon D810, F11, 1/6 ,iso100, nikon 16-35 lens at35mm,
(If this is a composite, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)
You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.
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Lovely vegetation, and a nice mix of green and red. Two things to consider, the images seems to have a yellowish-green tint, and is a bit soft at full size.
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I like the composition and light here. Backlighting can be very powerful with autumn images. But I agree with @John_Williams, the leaves in the foreground tree look very soft. I notice that you shot at f16 and ISO 1/6 second, that may not have been fast enough to freeze motion. If there was any wind at all, that could be why this looks so soft. With tree images like this, try shootinh at higher ISO for faster shutter speeds, that will help prevent subject movement from wind.
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Thank you Ed for your inspiring critique.It’s an old image , made in a time that I didn’t use my tripod !
Now in post processing I did not review the image enough for sharpness and other flaws. So, it was not the wind but more my trembling hands.
I made it worse (I see now) by using the Norton effect and above that some extra blur. To give it a more soft look. I like to try things in photoshop. This was a bit too much. And I can see that you cannot make a better image from a bad one. Still I like the image, but learned a lot from you. I like you to follow me with images to come.
Thank you, John.for your helpful critique. Together with the comment of Ed McGuirk I learned a lot today !!
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