Just Rocks

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


This was taken at Bob’s Cove on the South Island of New Zealand. It was June and winter, with clouds and fog limiting the expanse of the scene. Rocks became a likely subject. It challenged us to find interesting compositions.

Specific Feedback

I am going to upload a colored rendition of this photo. I would like feedback on using a more artistic look to “spice up” the composition and make it enjoyable.

Technical Details

This was taken with my Sony a7iv on a tripod. ISO 100, f/16, 5 sec.
It was processed in LR, PS, and Topaz Lab to give it a more painterly look, then Nik Silver Efex for the B & W conversion and vignetting.

This is the edited picture in original color

Barbara: I like the color version as it lends context but the B&W rendering is compelling. You’ve made an interesting scene much more contemplative. Very nicely done. >=)>

Thanks, @Bill_Fach, for the feedback. I included the colored version just in case the B&W version was questioned.