Landing on Glass

This image was taken on a still and foggy morning at a local park on the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland. After watching the ducks come in to join the flock in a small cove, I was able to catch one just inches above the water.

Specific Feedback Requested

Any feedback helpful. Composition, melding of foggy sky and water.

Technical Details

Olympus 150-400mm lens hand held. f6.3, ISO 1600, 1/2000 sec.

1 Like

Nifty subject here. I do wish it were more in focus, though. a little more image area on the left and bottom balance it out more. Just some thoughts. What a cool moment.

I love the “lost in space” effect caused by the seamless joining of water and sky, Bill. I do think the “real” duck could use a touch of sharpening and there are some darker areas on the water from out of focus foreground reeds that make it look like the image got dirty because they’re so out of focus. A bit of cloning or even painting over with the background color would fix those.

Dave, Thanks for your comments. Yes, I agree with focus-wish a little more- things moving pretty quickly. Thanks again, Bill

Dennis, Thank you for your feedback. I will try your suggestions for sharpening and cloning - still learning in Lightroom. Thanks, Bill

Hi Bill,

Sharpening will help with the overall crispness of the edges, but I don’t think that you will be able to get much detail in the feathers. There’s fine speckling on the subject which can be controlled with some noise suppression. Put some more space in on the left which gives the duck more room as it glides in for the landing. I like what you are going for here and suggested edits should strengthen the composition…Jim

Thank you Jim. Very helpful, I will play with this some more and apply some of your suggestions. Thanks, Bill