Late Light

I’d spent some time in Rainier np this day looking for composition of the mountain. I didn’t find anything appealing as the volcano was covered in cloud. As I was driving out of the park I noticed some interesting light on the otherwise of the valley from a touristy overlook.

What technical feedback would you like if any?


What artistic feedback would you like if any?

I’ve intentionally gone low key with this in search of mood. Any feedback on mood, contrast and colour balance is welcome.

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

(If this is a composite, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)

1/200 s, f8, ISO400, 100mm

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Touristy overlook or not this turned out very nicely, Nathan. I particularly like the details and textures in the mountain along with the evergreens and that lighting is sublime. I could see this with a crop from the right and left sides to get rid of those bare areas along the ridgeline, but that is just my personal preference as this is lovely as is. There is also a dust spot about 2/3 of the way up on the right side. BTW, the low key processing works beautifully.


Kudos on the processing here - you’ve accomplished what you envisioned and this looks great.

For me, it’s those small pieces of light striking the trees and peak that make the image. I’m wondering if you couldn’t somehow enhance those areas either with a little more color/sat - well, except for the main point of light on the left above the ridge of trees - don’t want that one going overboard.

What I’m torn about is the patch of blue and the white cloud on the left. It’s almost taking away the spotlight so to speak from the light grazing the center of the image. But I’m not quite sure what to do about that; changing luminosity might not look so natural. Cloning there might be a little extreme… In the end though, it’s not a huge deal - or an image breaker by any stretch. Maybe someone else will offer or comment on that.


thanks @Ed_Lowe I can’t find that dust spot I’ve zoomed into 300% and still can’t see it.

@Lon_Overacker I agree with you on the bright cloud and the saturated sky on the left. It does have to much visual weight. I think I’ll try decreasing saturation and contrast and clarity in that area unless others have another suggestion.

Nathan, this is a nice quiet image that still says a lot. I like the composition, and the emphasis on the mountain and trees rather than the clouds. You include enough of the clouds to hint at changing weather, which adds to the story here. And your restrained processing of contrast, allows the wonderful textures in the landscape stand out.

Because of the way the light is hitting patches of the mountainside, I might suggest taking this warmer, at least in the highlights and mid-tones, especially warming the area of trees where the light is hitting them.