Lesser Scaup Action

Nikon D500 Nikon 200-400. ISO 400 F7.1 1/1600

Action shot of a female Lesser Scaup. I like the water action. To me you can see the action coming at you.

Comments and critiques please.

All of my recent posts were from the same day. Lots of different ducks and geese all with great light. Rarely happens to me.

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I like the water action too so I don’t mind that there is more room behind the bird than in front where we normally want it. The head of the bird doesn’t look sharp to me. Since the water in front and his back look more focused, I suspect movement of the head. Although I would have thought 1/1600 would have been fast enough.

Wow, that’s quite a wake, Andrew! Fun timing. It may have just landed, but one gets the impression he’s doing the 100 meter dash. My only suggestion is to tone down the cyan cast in the water.