Lesser Scaup photo shoot

I work hard at getting low angles, finding places where I can photo waterfowl at eye level and getting close. This is 75% of full frame.

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D500, 420mm (300 f2.8 w 1/4), f4, 1/1250, iso450

A very nice portrait, Dan. Detail is wonderful and I like the slightly lifted head-it lends some personality to the image.

Good interpretation by Dennis. Good detail but the crop feels tight. Is there more at the bottom of the frame?

A very nice tight photo of the Scaup. I really like the nice soft touch to the colors and detail. I agree a little more room would not hurt the photo and may feel a bit better. The hard work at getting a low angle has paid off handsomely for you.

You’ve been killing the closeups lately! Love the pose, iridescence, and IQ. Comp.-wise, I think this works well, but I could see a version with a sliver off the top, and a sliver added to the bottom and right. Otherwise, I am pretty sure you need a little CCW rotation?

I agree on the tightness of the image but as Dennis says, the head tilt does give it personality. Great job on the detail. I assume this is from one of your ponds.

Great close-up look at the scaup. Good pose and detail. The low angle gives a nice intimate look. I also like the water droplets, which are nice and sharp-best seen in the large version. Looks as if he is grinning at you.
I always have difficulty identifying scaup, but think of the green sheen as being as being on the greater scaup, though the angle of the light can affect this.

If you took this image between July and October, this is probably a Lesser Scaup. If it was shot between November and June, it’s pretty hard to tell with what you have available to see in the image. At least that’s according to Sibley.

The birder people I trust say these are Lesser Scaups in the small urban ponds. They have more pointed heads…

Hi Dan,

Very nice portrait. I like the head color–a tough feature to see. Do you shoot from a blind? I rarely see these birds close to shore. Well done…Jim

Thanks, Jim
Not from a blind, laying in the mud next to water. I am fortunate to have local urban ponds that fill with wild ducks in the winter.
This pond is in the middle of a huge Intel Corp. industrial park in Suburban Portland , Or.
In the fly way…