Light Within_Repost w/Color too

2 different images with very subtle change in focus to get more of the center sharp.

REPOST: @Mike_Friel, @Mark_Muller, @Shirley_Freeman , @David_Leroy , @Diane_Miller & @Harley_Goldman…I spent more time augmenting the primary subject (middle of flower) and de-emphasizing the remainder of the flower. Please let me know your thoughts and whether you think I’m going in a favorable direction. It feels more articulate and clear in expression now and that the previous shot wasn’t quite clear enough in the communication.

Specific Feedback Requested

Do the leaves carry the base? Should they be brighter?

Technical Details

Is this a composite: Yes
105 f/2.8 Macro, 1/25 at f/11, ISO 360


I would indeed like to see the base a bit brighter, Jim, and don’t think this would distract from, but rather support, your main focal points. And secondly, I’d like to see the stamens a bit sharper still, as they are the main focal points (maybe 3 shots?). That said, I love the B and W treatment and the composition in Portrait is first-class.

Beautiful lights vs darks, and beautiful curves and lines. This really catches my eye. Great shot!

Jim, you are taking me back to my B&W days. Not sure why I don’t go that route more in my own photography. I like your presentation here. As @Mark_Muller pointed out, the lights and the darks and the curves and the lines, much to feast on here. Very nice.

A really interesting take on things. I like the subject and how the eye is drawn to the center of the flower. I might have a look at the other direction from Mike. Darken the bottom a bit more and bring up the whites. You may have other options as well. Creative.

Gorgeous shapes and tonalities! I love the OOF “blob” to the right of the stamens – mysterious but completely natural-looking. It would be fun to see variations here – a strong image that can have several interpretations. I wonder about lower contrast for the detail on the two leaves that exit the sides of the frame.

Beautiful Jim. I might experiment lightening the leaves in the center bottom, not sure if that would work or not. As presented I quite like it. Very creative and effective.

Sorry for the late reply everyone (@Mike_Friel, @Mark_Muller, @Shirley_Freeman , @David_Leroy , @Diane_Miller & @Harley_Goldman ) and thanks for taking the time to respond.

Been busy with work/family and also been sitting on this one for a few days still trying to wonder which direction to go. I’m just not sure if the sepals(?) being out of focus, but so important to the image creates an unpleasant viewing experience?

Regardless, there has been a very helpful line of thinking to decrease contrast and brightness of the leaves in the base. This is helpful.

I’ll repost in a day or two with some changes, and I’ll probably post the color as well. Thanks again everyone for your thoughts/perspective. Super helpful

Jim, well worth the reworking - I take back what I said about lightening the base. The second (B and W) version is a good improvement, making the stamens more prominent. In the colour version, they get overwhelmed a bit by the background, so the middle photo is the keeper for me.