Liquid Gold Slattadale

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Slattadale, Torridon, Scotland

As the sun got higher in the sky the lemon yellow light of dawn became more intense and eventually seared the super cooled water of a still and frigid blue sky dawn at Loch Maree with direct sunlight. Almost instantly the water surface boiled off developing a rising mist which became backlit and turned to gold add even more charm and charisma to an already epic scene with the beautiful backlit Scots pine island at Slattadale as the most charming of subjects.

Fuji GFX 50S (the older one), Fuji GF 100-200 zoom, Haida 6 stop ND Polariser, f/14 at 5 Seconds, ISO 100.

Technical Details

Fuji GFX 50S (the older one), Fuji GF 100-200 zoom, Haida 6 stop ND Polariser, f/14 at 5 Seconds, ISO 100.

Oh, My, Goodness. This is stunning Ian! The glow in the trees is just spectacular and in close second place, the glow of the mist coming off the water, all bathed in that glorious light. Wow, is about all I can say.

Well, maybe one teeny-tiny suggestion. Be hard pressed to make this any better but I’ll try. :roll_eyes: :wink: Not sure if you’ve already cropped on the left side but my very minor nit is how the spit of the island on the left breaches the frame edge. That’s being super picky, but have just a gap before the edge would be a bonus. At least for me.

Just gorgeous Ian - thank you for sharing it with us.


Outstanding, fantastic beautiful image.

What gorgeous light!

Thank You Lon. Yes I agree happily I have a follow up shot with the whole island complete, possibly with even a tad more mist including a quite lovely wee rock in the bottom, not sure if I prefer this or the other one…

Ian, what a stunning image you have created. The glow of the trees and on the water is otherworldly. I agree with Lon that it highlights the island trees a little better if you tighten up the crop focusing on just the island. Either way this is a beautiful creation.

All said above – simply gorgeous with perfect light perfectly captured!!!

Ian: So glad you pointed me back to this. I do prefer the color version but both are excellent. My father spent some time in Scotland during WW-II before going into France and Germany. He had so many good things to say about Scotland and it is very high on my bucket list of places to see. Thanks for giving me more reason. >=))>