This is a portrait of a longnose hawkfish which are native to the deep water reefs of the Pacific Ocean. I used 2 flashes to light the subject with one mounted off camera and the other beaming down into the aquarium from above. I posted a similar image of this guy several years ago, but this photo is much better. In the large version, you can see the teeth on the jaws which are very hard to see in true life. The magnification is about 75%.
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D500 105mm f2.8 macro (1/320 sec at f9.0, ISO 500, multiple flash photography. Levels, reduction of blue and cyan in shadows, Brightness & Contrast, slight crop…Jim
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Great shot Jim!!! I like the pose and mouth open with all the detail in the fish. Great lighting to really make the fish pop from the background which can be distracting if not handled properly. Had no idea it was in an aquarium, thought you made a trip to Maui and went diving!