MacGillivray's Warbler (A first)

We had overcast skies all day, so I spent a couple of hours each in the morning and afternoon in my permanent blind. I was just about to leave this afternoon when this bird showed up. A first for me and a first record for our property.

What technical feedback would you like if any?

I removed a large out-of-focus chunk of perch from the lower right-is it noticeable? I also used fill flash at -2 1/3. To my eye it still looks just a bit flashed-I’m thinking I should have gone to -3. What do you folks think?

What artistic feedback would you like if any?


Pertinent technical details or techniques:

7DII, Sigma 150-600 C @ 600 mm, tripod with ball head and Sidekick, f/8, 1/640, iso 2000, manual exposure, fill flash at -2 1/3. Processed in LR & PS CC. Noise reduction with Neat Image. Some of the background replaced and I shifted the bird slightly to the right using content aware crop. Essentially full frame. Taken at 2:48 PM today.

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Hi Dennis, your post processing looks well done to me and I don’t think the bird is overly flashed. I like the pose with slight head turn. Quite a handsome bird. Well done.

Never underestimate the quality of overcast skies ! Nice light ! I couldn’t have told you cloned out something - so it worked well I guess :wink: … Cheers, Hans