The photographer has shared comprehensive information about their intent and creative vision for this image. Please examine the details and offer feedback on how they can most effectively realize their vision.
Self Critique
I like the somewhat dreamy quality, and the fact that the fox seems totally relaxed. Is the tuft of grass in the foreground distracting?
Creative direction
I have hundreds, if not thousands, of fox photos I’ve taken over the years. When I first took this photo, I didn’t think it was anything special. But when I downloaded it, I changed my mind. It has a bit of a “dreamy” quality about it, and the fox seems totally relaxed, even though I wasn’t far from him, kneeling in the grass. It just seems to be one of those rare wildlife/human encounters where both parties are just enjoying the moment.
Specific Feedback
Your immediate reaction to the photo?
Technical Details
I did very little processing of this photo. No branches were removed, and I brightened the fox just a tiny bit. I did apply Topaz DeNoise.
I saw this guy in the backyard, rolling in the grass, and exploring around the yard. He seemed to just be having a good time, with no apparent purpose in mind. I was hoping to catch a photo of this mood.
Wonderful capture!! Yes, it conveys a very nice mood. Actually, my first reaction is jealousy, but I’ll try to put that aside!!
I think the detail and light on the fox is wonderful! I would probably do some cloning on fine branches but I don’t think it’s really necessary – the image is strong as is. The grass is the more obvious issue but it should be easy to isolate it and subdue the color a bit. It’s probably more yellow than green so you wouldn’t want the mask to overlap the more colorful areas of the fox.
Another fine fox foto (the only fox pix I ever get are middle of the night trail cam shots). Maybe look at cloning out that dark, vertical branch, and also seeing what it would look like after isolating the fox then darkening the BG some to pop the fox a little more? Please keep 'em coming, king of the fox shooters!
Another superb fox image. It does have a dreamy quality which helps make this one special. You asked for comments about the green grass and are receiving them from us, but also from your main subject. It appears he is looking at the grass and wondering why it is there trying to gather some of the attention owed to him (a bit far out, but I couldn’t resist).
I’m digesting all this info and trying to decide exactly how to proceed. Thanks @Diane_Miller@Dave_Douglass and @Jim_Gavin for your thoughtful critiques and for your compliments.
Pretty nice Terry. The vertical stick frames the image nicely and wish only for some eye contact from the fox. More room below will give the fox a better target for the viewers interested in the intended motion. I also like the shedding of the winter coat is well underway–Well done…Jim
Thanks, @Jim_Zablotny. I kinda liked that the fox wasn’t making eye contact in this particular image, but I understand not everyone shares that view. Thanks for your comments.
Hello Terry! Now this one is my favorite! It does look very dreamy. I usually like an animal shot to have eye contact but in this one I don’t feel it’s necessary. You’re so close and it has the feel of a couple of friends hanging out and just enjoying the moment. The grass looks fine too, it’s off center and I don’t really think it takes away from the fox at all. Beautiful capture!