Man and Sea

Breaking the rule of thirds.

Actually I like the rule. I think it gets bashed too much. But, of course, the subject determines the rule. Here I was trying to pit man against the vast see so why would I place him near the center?


There’s a lot to like here, Igor. You have done a fine job of showing the small fisherman and a vast sea. The tracks and the two birds add the kind of “extra bit” that I like in many images. His bent rod is intriguing…is it just the heavy weight or does he have a fish on? A fine example of how composition choices are critical in telling a visual story.

Igor: Fine comp and a just right proportion of sand to sea for me. The fisherman is the icing on the cake. My only suggestion would be to make the tracks in the LLC go away to increase the impression of his solitary presence. Leave the tracks leading directly to him. Nicely done. >=))>


I think this is composed perfectly and an outstanding image.

I think this is a tough challenge because who’s to say what’s a rule or whether or not one should follow it - let alone break it. rhetorical…

In your image here, I suppose one could say you came close to the rule of thirds, so not sure you actually broke it - but I’ll concede… :wink: :roll_eyes:

Actually, I think this is somewhat divided in to thirds… which is not to say the “rule of thirds”… but I like the balance of sections (1/3rds): the beach area, the middle surf and then the surf beyond the diagonal wave line in the UR “third”…

Love the image.
