Misty Morning, Machu Picchu

Critique Style Requested: In-depth

The photographer has shared comprehensive information about their intent and creative vision for this image. Please examine the details and offer feedback on how they can most effectively realize their vision.

Self Critique

I liked how the morning fog interdigitated with the landscape in this magical place…Would anyone feel the image need s more contrast?

Creative direction

I gained entry to the site as the doors opened at 6 AM. Several hundred people rushed in and headed for a high point in order to see the sunrise illuminate the far peak. However the entire landscape was shrouded in fog, so I was able to find a location low down all to myself. With about 20 minutes left before I had to leave the site, the fog began to lift and I was able to capture this magical moment at a magical site. I hoped to convey to the viewer the sense of awe I felt at that moment.

Specific Feedback

I would appreciate any critique of the aesthetics and emotional appeal you has a viewer felt upon first seeing this image.

Technical Details

Nikon D200, 24-85 mm lens at 24 mm, f22, 1/8 second, ISO 100


I was fortunate to visit this special location the day before but conditions were not right for a truly meaningful photograph. As is said, a good photograph is a combination of skill and luck. I was truly fortunate to encounter the misty morning and have the mist lift in the nick of time.

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

All around a great image and I do not think amplifying the contrast would do anything to further enhance the scene. It must have felt a bit eerie seeing this wonderous place in this light.

Hi Paul, You have shared quite an amazing photograph with us. Really well seen, planned and executed. I think you are spot on with your processing, the beautiful B&W conversion really adds quite a lovely quality. It is quite wonderful.

This is an incredible scene and image! It is amazing as a B&W and whatever conversion method you used worked great. The image has a great balance which I think starts with the tree in the front center. The mist gives it a slight emotional calming effect as does the B&W. I wouldn’t have thought about adding contrast, but since you asked I downloaded the image and played with adding contrast. When I compare a version with slightly more contrast I think I like it with slighlty more contrast, but image is awesome as it is.

Contrast: I think it is wonderful as presented. A bit more contrast might take away some of that “emotional calming effect” mentioned by @Willemd. In depth critique asks that we examine the image in detail. In doing so, I cannot see how it can be improved. It certainly conveys a “sense of awe”. Speaking of details, is that a dog just to the right of bottom center?

Thanks for your kind comments. The animal you see is one of the llamas that roam the site. Paul

Thank you.

Paul, this is an ethereal and moody image I really like. A place I will never get to with my half-wrecked knees.
Excellent comp, amazing mist, and nice detail.
Well done!

I appreciate your kind comments. It was a magical moment. Paul