Mohawk Falls

I remember how disappointed I was when I first saw how low the water flows were on this trip to Ricketts Glen SP in PA. Upon further reflection Mike and I were able to capture some unique images from the area that we would not ordinarily been able to capture. With normal flows the mosses would not have been present and we would have come away with images similar to what others have already done. So I guess the moral of the story is when one door closes another one opens.:grinning:

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Nikon D700, Nikon 17-35 @ 32 mm, f 22 @ 8 sec, ISO 200, CPL, cable release & tripod

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Ed, the water-flow may have been disappointing to you and Mike at first, but it seems to have been perfectly fine for some outstanding photo opportunities. Would love to witness this beautiful scene first hand. Mainly as a change up to my desert environments. Not a complaint, just enjoying the wonderful water and lush foliage view you’ve provided us here…:sunglasses:…:+1:

Ed, my first impression was that of an aquarium type of environment. Maybe the foreground reminds me of the corals and anemone but I really enjoy what I am seeing here. I sorta wish for something that connects the background waterfall to the foreground a little more, perhaps a water flow of some sorts.

That moss really makes this view different than most pics of Mohawk.

Looks great, Ed. The greens are so vibrant and the falls are an excellent backdrop. Works for me.


Wow! Now that’s some color. Color yes, but even more, the image is simply gorgeous - even elegant. Love the presence of the cascading water.

Hasn’t been mentioned, so maybe it’s just me. For me, that bottom moss covered rock is a little bit neon-brightness scale. The brightness more than anything as I think it keeps the distracted a bit from the rest of the scene. Otherwise, spectacular!


Ed, the long stretch of bright green leading into this image is thoroughly enjoyable. The multiple streams of falling water fill the frame at the back very well. It looks a bit misty back there, which creates the fun feeling that this was taken in a light rain.

As a confirmed moss addict, I love this image, Ed. The falls make a nice secondary feature, but all that vibrant green is what captures my attention. A very fitting image for this challenge.

Wow Ed! I am a huge fan of long exposures on gentle flowing water. You can really feel the calm serenity of this scene. As a fellow Pennsylvanian, I am blown away by this image, as I have never seen any falls at Ricketts Glen in this capacity before. This sceen looks like it belongs in the PNW or something. Was this taken recently? Makes me want to take the trip up there this weekend!

I love this scene, Ed! For me, the mosses are more important than the waterfall. We have mosses like this on Thompson Pass, Alaska that have that phospheresent look and are so bright that you would swear that they have their own light source. It’s also fascinating how the water moves through the saturated mosses. It completely dampens the force of the water and spreads it all out so that the full volume of the water is still transfered.