It had rained overnight, and the Pioneer butterfly, moved from the first location to a brighter and sunlit location. Trying to dry itself. I tried my usual back light images. Included a bit of the environment.
A beautiful capture, Balan. The back lighting really makes the butterfly pop. That light shines through that beautiful wing. I also like the way it makes the "hair on his head to really show up nicely with the ring light around his head. I think you could maybe crop a bit from the right and remove that bright reflection in the bottom right. Maybe even clone out the bright speck of water on the grass that the butterfly is on. They both seem to pull my eyes away from the subject. A great shot.
Balan, morning chaos beautifully captured and well presented. It very well brings up the mood of rain that just ended on a nice morning with light breaking out. Love what backlinghting does to the butterfly - bring out delicate details on butterfly. Agree with Shirley on 2 water drops that draw attention.
Balan, the lighting works great and I like that you’ve got the environment as well. The environment makes it more that a “portrait” of the butterfly. I do think that you could tell the same story with somewhat less environment, like a square crop of this shot or maybe going to a vertical taken a bit closer (assuming the bf will hang around…). The sharp grass stem to the left works very well here.