I know its raining butterflies on NPN. Thought I will post something off track. I had this co-operative Junonia lemonias - Lemon Pansy. It was early in the morning, with some chill, and it was trying to soak up some heat. One of those rare situations when I decided to check what it means to be 1:1 at closest focusing distance.
To me, there is never too many butterfly photos! Keep them coming. That is what you call getting in close, Balan, when it comes to butterflies anyway. No post cropping, I’m guessing. It looks a bit over saturated to me, especially in the green background. See what others have to say first. When I bring it up in the large view, the eyes don’t seem as sharp as the back of the butterfly, so I am thinking that the AF Point was either not on the eyes, or your lens is front focusing (focusing just in front of where you are aiming the focus AF Point), which would mean microadjustments needed in camera on the Canon with that particular lens. I do like the composition. I know a lot of folks don’t want parts of the wings or whatever on the subject to be cropped out, but on this, it works for me. Thanks for sharing your butterfly image. Hope you have even more to share.
Balan, the details look great. Nice job getting the camera parallel to the bf so the entire bf is decently sharp. The eyes with their iridescent blues stand out well. I’m also surprised at the sharpness of the antennae, clearly in the same plane as the bf. Yes, as Shirley points out the eyes are not quite as sharp as the back, but they’re sharp enough for anything but displaying at the largest sizes. In working at 1:1, dof for your camera/lens combination is around 0.5 mm, which means that the subject must be very flat and your camera back must be very parallel. (You can find online dof tables where you choose your camera, lens, and working distance to get a dof calculation.) Again, you’ve done a excellent job of getting both close and sharp.
Thanks Shirley and Mark. Answering Mark…the antennae is above the head, and that could be the reason for the sharpness. Answering Shirley…i was concentrating on the wings to get the pattern in sharp focus.
Balan Vinod
Awesome detail, Balan. It’s neat to see the digital nature of the butterfly’s coloration so clearly displayed. I also like the way you chose to frame this.
Balan: I like your comp and how you arranged the butterfly in the frame. I also like how you do have detail in the wings, especially in the eye spots. If the butterfly was still you may have been able to get away with f16 or f22 but this works for me as is. Nicely done. >=))>