Morning Tide- with 4 Comps: Survey Says + Retouches

The Retouches

#1 Retouched

#2 Retouched

#3 Retouched





Hi Folks,
I took several compositions of wave action from this location and pretty much stayed in the same place, but framed things differently and had very different kinds of wave action and light over the course of an hour. The sky got brighter and less interesting as the morning progressed, and I played with different shutter speeds. As you can see, I got different effects based on shutter speed, when the water rolled in, and how much water was in each wave.

I’m looking first for some votes one which one of these you prefer and why. Also let me know if any are just too heavy handed in my treatment of the water (I greened it up a bit because I like green water).

I’ll probably share one of these as part of the follow up for Out of Oregon’s Image Celebration. Unless they all suck :wink: And they are due tomorrow, but I’ll keep working on the winners for a while, I’m sure.

Then, if there is a consensus, I’m interested in how to make it better.

Specific Feedback Requested

Which sky is most pleasing?

Which shutter speed do you prefer?

Which kind of water crashing (streamers down the rock in the middle v. rushing into the chasm?)

Technical Details

All were processed in LR with some layer masks and dodge and burn, etc.

f/14 with shutter speeds varying from 10 seconds to .3 seconds on the last, longer focal length shot.

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They are all excellent images Marylynne. I do like the first image. Maybe you can try a vignette focusing the light in the center of the frame. The subtle green compliments the sky.

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Hi Marylynne,
In trying to answer your questions I believe I like #1’s sky best although it’s very close to #2’s sky but I feel the blue is more blue and less aqua in the first image. I believe I prefer the foreground and water /shutter speed in the second image. There is more texture in the water in the second image and more water flowing over the tops of the smaller rocks. I feel like the blacks need a slight bit of dodging to brighten them up just a little bit in both the first and the second image. I do like the third image but it’s maybe slightly too bright for me in the water but I like the colors best in the water in this image. There is much more action in the water in the third image as well. A breaking wave, and more of a waterfall effect in the LRC. I think if you bring down the exposure in the third image it would be my favorite. I like the wider field of view including more of the rocks on the left portion of the frame, the water movement and shutter speed used to convey this, and the sky is good if the exposure is brought down some. 4 isn’t working for me. I hope that all clear as mud. Good luck. Let us know which one you used. :slight_smile:

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Well, you asked…Take the sky in number one and overlay it on number 2… :slightly_smiling_face:

Seriously, the sky in the first one is the most compelling to me. If I had to choose (and I like them all), I would choose the first one because of the sky.

Overall, this is a great composition on the Oregon Coast. Good luck with your choice, Marylynne.

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Hey! I honestly like the first one the best, because the slow, slow, shutter speed, that long exposure, and the Misty Waters, match the minimal sky, and the pastel tones. For me it’s all about matching color tones with shutter, speed and movement. I think you’ve done that the best in the first image. But I will say that it’s awesome that in picture for that you simplified the photo and found something small to focusing on at the same location to. That’s not always easy to do!

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I really like these shots. Great motion in the water and all solid comps. I like 4 the best, 3 being a close second. On the first two the very bottom layer of rock feels too thin to my eyes. I like #3 because more of it is included. Great stuff. The leading line in 4 is awesome.

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Thanks @David_Haynes, @David_Bostock, and @David_Johnston as well as @Mozzam_Hosein and @Mark_Eley (lots of David’s there, so I had to get those sorted first :sunglasses:). This feedback has been incredibly helpful.

It appears #4 is the least popular, and everyone seems to like the sky best in #1, and then it gets down to water preferences (color and shutter speed/wave type, etc.). So, I did one more round of processing on the contenders, greening up some water, cooling down some skies, and playing with the crop on the one with the worst sky in order to retain its breadth but make the sky more appealing. Not sure how well all that worked…

But if I have not yet worn out my welcome with this one, please feel free to vote again, or for the first time, based on the retouches I did here. I’ve posted them again at the top as 1, 2, and 3.

I’m leaning toward #3 for the wave action and the best combination of the water action, or maybe #1, or 2. Yeah, still torn, but it’s not a contest, so this is one of those things where my own clarity will come in a few weeks.

Put me down for number three on the revision, Marylynne. The sky is much improved and the bright spots in the water have been toned down just enough yet the water retains incredible movement and texture and #3 has the best waterfall exiting the LRC. I also love the color in the water and the slight pano look to it. #1 is my second favorite. It feels more calming and subdued and everything works well together in a very balanced presentation. Hope that helps.

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Thanks @David_Haynes . I reached the same conclusion and shared that one on the image celebration for the conference. I also like the other two still, for different reasons. With the sky issue sorted, I’m not as enamored with #1. I think its selling point is the water on the central rock, but that was ephemeral and didn’t repeat itself.

I like #1 the most, retouched or original. It has a brooding quality to it. The others are more literal than that one. This is one of those rare images where water definition is something that weakens the image. Just my opinion.

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I like your composition in all of them and they each have their own unique positives.

Like most of the responses, I like the sky in #1 and the water in #2. I can see a little composite going on… :slight_smile: And honestly, I think you have some room to exploit the the earth’s shadow colors with a little saturation boost! I really like the water in both, but the waves in the outer surf in #2 make it for me.

What I noticed is the luminosity gets progressively brighter and I think that’s perhaps why #4 is getting less attention. I actually like the composition very much and especially the splashing water over the rock in the middle of the frame. This one though, just appears slight over exposed, washed out (harsh and exagerated term here…) but basically, I think by dropping the exposure and giving the sky a saturation boost that I think #4 works quite beautifully. Below is my quick edit.

Overall, a beautiful scene, well composed and one of those times where a featureless sky is actually an asset to the image. Here’s my edit on #4

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Thanks again, everyone, and @Igor_Doncov and @Lon_Overacker for the additional feedback. I took a stab at Lon’s efforts and posted it in the Weekly Challenge for this week.

As for the Composite idea, I thought about that too. The framing is slightly different, as are the focal lengths, wave actions, so despite playing with it for a half hour or so, I got to the point where I decided to just work with the original on its own. I use LR and occasionally Photomatix for composites (not for tonal compression, but for selecting parts of different images to merge,) which is kind of a PS-phobia hack I developed over time. I was out of practice with Photomatix too, so I’ll brush up on that. I’ve used it for focus stacking too. Lots of ways to misuse that wonderful little program.

Thanks again for all of your input everyone. This never fails to help me improve and get my creative juices flowing.