Multiple exposure

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I kept a red flower at the center of the frame and rotated the camera about nine times in small increments.

Technical Details

The camera doesn’t seem to save EXIF data with a multiple exposure so I don’t know. I was shooting at about f/8.

Really nice color composition! Nicely, that one branch goes around the picture in the background and supports the edges. Clean bright colors are pop

Thanks, Jorma.

Don, nicely done! This feels like I’m viewing the subject under water. Wonderful colors that complement each other. I’ve done this technique looking up at a forest canopy but have not tried it looking down. Great idea and a great job with the final image!

I love the palette in this image, Don. The patterns formed by the background leaves are really cool and it took a bit before I realized what was going on, which is great for an abstract. I also like the fact that when looking at it for awhile it is possible to figure out what you did (more or less). A very cool abstract.

Alfredo, it would never have occurred to me to do this while looking up at a forest canopy. Maybe I’ll try it.

Dennis, thanks. Sometimes a viewer can figure out what’s going on in an image like this. Sometimes the result is just too strange for that to be possible.