Northern Mockingbird

What technical feedback would you like if any? Any/All

What artistic feedback would you like if any? Any/All

Any pertinent technical details: I found this guy down at the Merced NWR. We don’t seem to have any in our neighborhood where I live. Since the original was already fairly gray toned I though I’d do this little trick and only leave the eye in color. Yeah? Shot with my D500, Nikon 2-500 lens, 1/2500th, f/5.6, ISO 180, 500mm, cropped to 1401 x 1575, hand held from the car window.

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An interesting take on the Mockingbird, Dave. I like the pose and its obvious attention and displeasure with something over there. The black and white treatment is interesting and the colored eye works, though it’s hard to say if it is an improvement over the original color.

There’s something going on with the plumage that doesn’t look quite right, possibly the large crop coming into effect and excess sharpening to try to compensate. There is a distinct sharpening fringe along the top of the head and the back.