Olive-throated Parakeet Dining on Flowers

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Still on our way to the Cano Negro area, we came across several of these birds feeding on the flowers of a particular tree that seemed to be quite common. They would grab the base where the ovaries are and eat it, letting the petals drop. Everything likes eggs.

Specific Feedback

I tried to get these four to match but inevitably there are differences between frames. Does that detract from the series significantly?

Technical Details

Sony A1, FE 200-600 + 1.4 TC @ 840 mm, f/9, 1/800, iso 1600, manual exposure. Processed in LR & PS CC. All images cropped to approximately 4000x3200. I dabbed paint over some of the brighter areas of the background and removed one twig in the lower left on all of them.


Nice series. My favorite is the second -most action, open beak, and good eye contact. The background color matches the bird.

Hi Dennis, The differences in frames didn’t bother me as I looked through the images. Such fine captures and a treat to see with the flowers. Complimentary BG too.