On his own

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


This male Pronghorn was resting by himself in the fall grasses in the YNP section of the Gardiner Basin. The rolling hills around and behind him are the result of ancient landslides following the retreat of the Yellowtone Glacier. If you look carefully you can find four female Elk in the hills behind him.

Technical Details

R5, 100-500 @ 200, f/13, 1/400 s, iso 400, tripod

A very fine peaceful scene here, Mark. The resting Pronghorn (always my favorite prairie grazers), adds to the serenity of the overall view. I do see at least 3 elk up on the distant hillside… :cowboy_hat_face:

Paul, in my 1:1 view, that first elk looks to have two sets of ears… :wink:

Yes, I see that now, @Mark_Seaver .
Them’s some good eyes on you there… :face_with_spiral_eyes:

A textbook wildlife landscape! I’m jealous!