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Is this a composite: No
5DIV; 1/200TH; 16.0; 500iso; 24/70 @38; HH; -1 1/3RD; AUTO WB
Is this a composite: No
5DIV; 1/200TH; 16.0; 500iso; 24/70 @38; HH; -1 1/3RD; AUTO WB
What a mysterious shot, Jim! You have me trying to work out how high the branch is above the ground (at least the title suggests a branch). And I guess those must be yellow spring flowers on the ground. Actually, this is one I should simply enjoy as an abstract, I’ve decided. Really cool colours and 3-dimensionality.
Amazing and yes, mysterious! I love the sculpted ice and can’t imagine the forces that shaped it.
So cool, Jim. Love it.
A very unique find and a nice capture of it, Jim! The trailing icicles make it look like some kind of strange creature! Nice job with the exposure and focus also.
Yes, it is whimsical and leaves you wondering how the shapes were created by wind and cold. The colors are wonderful Jim.
Fascinating! I like the colours too. I would be tempted to crop away the right side a little. Nicely seen.
This is a really neat image, Jim. I don’t believe I have ever seen icicles like that. A great find and capture.
I agree with all the others. A stimulating abstract that conveys motion and mystery.
While I would not crop the RHS, its brightness bothers me as it waterfalls me out of the frame. In this version, I took down the brightest areas on the right.
@CharlesV @Shirley_Freeman @David_Bostock @Mike_Friel @Dick_Knudson @Diane_Miller @David_Bostock @Gary_Minish Thank yo for your comments. Mike, the branch was about 2 feet above ground having been weighted down by the ice. The floor of the orchard is covered in ice and dandelions are the yellow areas. Dick, and Charles, I understand your points, but prefer the original. Again, thank you.
Hi Jim! Very cool image! I can only echo the comments of others but wanted add my voice. Great find and capture!
@Steve_Kennedy Steve, Thank you.
@Mike_Friel This is shot of dandelion under trees.
Love, love love this shot, Jim. Interesting, unique and I wouldn’t change a thing!
@Donna_Callais Wow! Thank you for taking the time to unearth this one. Every spring orchardists use under and over tree watering to combat frost and the damage it can cause to a crop. It is one of my favorites from last spring.