Orchid Number One

What technical feedback would you like if any? any and all

What artistic feedback would you like if any? Any and all

Pertinent technical details or techniques: Nikon D850 110mm f2.8 macro, 1/30sec F8 iSO 320, 5 stack blend.

(If the background has been replaced, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)

If you would like your image to be eligible for a feature on the NPN Instagram (@NaturePhotoNet), add the tag ‘ig’ and leave your Instagram username below.



Wow…I like this. Striking against the dark but subtly textured background. Nice lighting to my eye…be interested in what you did here with lighting. Nice lines too. Enjoying this a lot!

Thanks Jim, lighting was really straight forward; two lights with small reflectors one on each side. About 25 degrees off center. right side light a little farther back. Both lights at lens level. Used incandescent as it was a five frame focus stack on my D850.

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Kelly: Just a superbly crafted image of this beautiful trio. The lighting is very well done and I like that the three blooms face different directions. Great to have you aboard NPN in general and Flora in particular and looking forward to more. >=))>

I really like the warmth of the incandescent lights! Nicely done.

Beautifully lit, Kelly, with those side petals fading gently into the dark. The black bg seems perfect for the colour of the flowers. Beautiful image !

Love this image. The lighting is perfect, as is the dark background. I’m sure the prints will show well and show even better with a nice mat and frame.