Would suggest to view this image large. Have come across this spider for the first time, and this is the female. While I know its location, this time I tried using the Zeiss 50MM with extention, which also resulted in not being able to prove lighting on a cloudy day. They typically stay in protected curve in the trunk.
Oh I really like her, Balan! The light may not have been great, but you have some lovely detail here - and it looks like she’s missing a leg. Good thing she has 7 more. The tip of one is cut off on the bottom, but since they’re OOF it doesn’t matter much. I love the wreath of web around her. A great find well shot!
Balan, I like her too! I am not familiar with this type of spider, but she sure has some markings that are very interesting. It really does need to be seen in large view to appreciate. I think you did a fine job capturing this image considering your light situation, especially.