The first two images are from one sequence, but unfortunately the Osprey failed in its attempt, but was lucky a few minutes later.
Specific Feedback Requested: Any
Pertinent technical details or techniques:
Canon 7Dii; Sigma 150-600 at 600, 1/3200 at f6.3, ISO 250 for first two and 388 mm, 1/800, f7.1, -1/3 EV, ISO 100 for third shot.
Wonderful catches on the dive, but even better is an Osprey with a whole fish!
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Great series of shots! I have not captured an Osprey diving. I’m hoping that happens some day. It would be such a thrill. Thanks for sharing these.
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I enjoy the first frame the most. Great pose and the inclusion of the surf and water is an added bonus. Nicely captured.
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That first frame is very nice. Maybe just do a little clockwise rotation to get the horizon straight and you’re all set. I would change anything else. Nice image and fun series.
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I too really like the first image. Beautiful action shot of the Osprey in its environment
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A very nice series, Allen. As others have noted, the first shot is excellent. The pose of the Osprey and the surf really make it special.
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I can only repeat the comments. Great series and a wonderful first image.
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Hi Allen
Every time I photograph Ospreys, this is the shot I am looking for, nice work.
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Nice series , Allen! My favourite is the first image, and it shows the behaviour as well the surroundings. Love it! Hans
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