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Excellent, Chris. I’ve always been a fan of fog and you handled this very well.
Very nicely done, Chris. I can almost feel the damp cool air in this lovely scene. I like the way the fog produces a wonderful air of mystery here.
I like this photo because there is almost no way to tell how large or small the trees are - all the references are hidden in the clouds
Very nice image Chris! Good choice of what to be in the frame: Different shades of green and a pleasing contour of the wood and group of trees included. I notice that you have posted this in the category evergreen, but it would anyhow be interesting to see how this image would work out in a B&W rendition.
I really enjoy images like this with such a soft ethereal look. Nicely seen and captured.
Thank you, Kevin, for your kind comment.
Ola, thank you for taking the time to send your thoughts.
Thanks, Ben. Fog always makes things mysterious to me.
Thank you. I love photographing fog.
Thank you for expressing how the photo makes you feel.
Love the fog and the trees peaking through. I quite like it as presented, but I would prefer it with the white point brought down a ways, giving it a bit more of a stormy, brooding mood. But that may not be what you are after.
I tried pulling the whites down some and like the effect.
Chris, this is a fine look at these tree tops surrounded by fog. They’re spread well throughout the frame.
Thank you , Mark, for the feedback.