Paradise Valley Rainbow

One of my pleasures at our home in Montana are the local rainstorms. In the afternoon, they often produce rainbows that I can watch and photograph from the deck. This one showed up in the early afternoon, as you can see by the low angle of it’s junction with the ground. (5D3, 24-105 @ 62 mm, 1/80 s, f/11, iso 200, tripod and polarizer.

Paradise Valley Rainbow

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This is a really nice partial bow, Mark! The mountains in the background are a key part of the impact of this scene. Nice job of capturing the colors.

Really cool arcing rainbow transacting the dark mountainous background. The rainbow really pops against that background. Nice foreground too.

Mark: I really envy your yard! I especially like how the rainbow frames the BG mountain. I might crop about half of the FG field although that would mean eliminating the rocks and sagebrush which I think do add some interest. My only other suggestion would be to make the roof line of the barn/house go away. Makes me want to be there. >=))>