Phintella 2

As a part of the same series, the phintella again. The spider does not know what you plan to compose, but then, sometimes you do get a frame or two…

6D2, 70-200 L , 36mm Ext, raynox, flash and diffuesr
Balan Vinod

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Wonderful perspective, Balan. He seems to know exactly where you are, the detail in its eyes is fantastic. The soft focus around the spider really helps to make the eyes pop. Love the simple composition with the black corners. Very nicely seen.

Balan, I like this shot very much. I love the face and eyes of these guys, and with the soft focus every where else, it really draws my eyes to his. The green "line leading to him helps as well to draw the eye in to him. Another really nice shot of this guy.

Balan, this is a neat look, with the green glow covering the spider’s legs, but not it’s eyes…the joys of narrow dof. The big sweep of green against black works well.

Balan" What Mark said. Looks like a spider cram. Many kudos. >=))>