What technical feedback would you like if any?
What artistic feedback would you like if any?
Any input welcome
Pertinent technical details or techniques:
(If this is a composite, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)
Canon 5D Mark III, 70-200mm f/2.8L at 200mm
1/125sec, f/8, ISO640
If you would like your image to be eligible for a feature on the NPN Instagram (@NaturePhotoNet), add the tag ‘ig’ and leave your Instagram username below.
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The lighting sure lets this lone pine on a ledge stand out, Eva. A fine and unusual take away from the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone.
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Eva, as stated by Mark the highlights hitting this tree makes this really work. The shadowed but still viable BG does a perfect job of supporting the nice light on the isolated pine. To me, the pine seems a bit unique in overall growth design too. The very narrow spiral tree on the small peninsula is a real neat portraiture…
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Perfect for the WC, Eva. I think Mark is right about a fine and unusual take away from the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. I sure didn’t look for a shot like this when I visited there a few years ago! Well seen and captured. 

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@Mark_Seaver @Paul_Breitkreuz @Shirley_Freeman Mark, Paul, and Shirley - Thanks so much comments and feedback. This tree caught some nice morning light. BTW - Does anyone know what type of tree it is?
@Eva_McDermott Most of the pines in this area of Yellowstone are Lodgepole pines, known for straight, tall, relatively thin trunks. Without seeing the configuration and shape of the needles there’s no good way to be sure. I wouldn’t scramble out to get a close-up view…
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Very cool, Eva. The light on the lone tree really makes it work against that background. There’s a light curved band above the tree and another in the upper right corner that you might want to clean up. Excellent composition.
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Great find and an even better capture and portrait of this unique tree. Unique in it’s narrow, towering height and also for it’s perseverance where it’s growing. One would think one winter’s wind storm would have toppled this a while ago.
Not sure it matters, but did you mean to use the #900 tag? I don’t think it affects anything unless someone is searching for the #?
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@Mark_Seaver Thanks for the info!
@Dennis_Plank Thanks for pointing those light bands out.
@Lon_Overacker Thanks Lon. I’ll add more tags. First time I am posting in WC.
This turned out real well and is perfect for the WC. Cool looking tree.
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That is a Lodgepole, Eva. I love the light on the tree and the rocks, and the dark background adds a lot.
Just curious if anyone else sees this, but in looking at the large version, there is a light-toned area just above the tree that curves up, and to the left. It almost looks like an OOF focus tree branch. You may be able to crop a little from the top and then do some cloning to eliminate it.
Very nice image.
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This is a really lovely image Eva, I love the light hitting the tree which really makes it stand out. If it were my image I would enhance this effect by burning the background. I agree with Preston that there is definitely an out of focus limb or a hair on your sensor that is showing up above the tree that is bothersome.
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Many thanks @Harley_Goldman, @Preston_Birdwell, and @David_Kingham. Dennis also mentioned the OOF arc. I will clean that up. David, I definitely like the darkened background version. It really makes the tree stand out. I have a print version that is between my post and the darker background edit you provided. I think you edit is cleaner since it eliminates some of the distracting lighter elements in the background. Preston thanks for the confirmation on the tree species.
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Very nice, Eva! I love these kind of images with brightly lit foreground subjects against dark, shaded backgrounds. It’s a unique looking tree also.
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Thanks for your comment Gary!