
Another from the dunes.

D850, 70-200mm


That is a wild juxtapostion in the Dune ridges, how does that even happen?
Well scene. Very nice, makes me want to see the 3 x 2…

Harley, this is a marvellously complex image - beautifully executed and seen.

Oh, wow, very cool! I have no nits - it’s well seen and processed.

Nice B&W abstract of the dunes with interesting patterns, tones and textures.

Just incredible Harley. This dune configuration is most unique - unlike anything most have ever seen - either in person or photographed. It almost doesn’t seem plausible how the sand is laid out… but regardless… yet another masterpiece. Wow.

At first I said to myself, how the heck could the wind have created these patterns? The wind directions would have to be all over the place, like inside a tornado. But upon closer inspection I think you have carefully composed the “center point” to create an amazing optical illusion. At 10 oclock and 4 oclock you actually have two dunes that look so much alike they appear to be one dune. This is a mindbender for sure Harley, great job to see this.

This is superb. Fantastic dune abstract rendered perfectly in BW. No suggestions. Seems the old eyes can still see new things ; >)

A real eye-grabber, Harley. The tones in the dunes are fantastic and the panorama crop only serves to enhance it.

Is this a combination of two images, one taken at sunrise and the other at sunset, and one flipped horizontally before merging, so that the shadows make it look as though all illumination is from left, yet waves indicate discordant wind direction between different parts of scene?

Hi Richard. It is a single frame with only traditional Photoshop processing (B&W conversion, levels, curves, etc).

This has to be one of the more unique dunescapes I have ever seen, Harley. It looks like one giant pinwheel. I think you have processed it perfectly with the rich range of tones.

Wow! Incredible find. It’s real.