We are very excited to add @Ed_McGuirk to the NPN team today as a moderator in the Landscape category. Since re-launching NPN, Ed has been one of the most active and valuable members through his incredibly helpful critiques. Please join us in thanking Ed for taking on this role to further help make this the greatest community for nature photographers!
Welcome aboard, Ed! A most excellent choice!!
First rate choice as moderator in landscape. Always listen carefully to your thoughtful comments and enjoy your posts. Welcome!
Very valuable addition to the team. Huge congrats, Ed!!
Very fine addition to the outstanding team of moderators here at NPN. Congratulations and also a huge thank you for your dedication in helping all the members here, Ed…
Congratulations Ed! Your comments are always valuable and your tactful demeanor is well suited to be a moderator.
The right man on the right place, congratulations, Ed. And thank you for all the advice I received from you. What made me a photographer with more and more self-confidence !
Congratulations, Ed, and thanks for stepping up! I have always appreciated your comments and photos on NPN. I am sure you are going to be a wonderful Moderator. You have so much to offer.
Oh, this is great news! Welcome aboard @Ed_McGuirk. I’ve always admired your thoughtful, detailed comments.
Thanks Ed for taking on this responsibility.
Welcome aboard Ed!!!
Your contributions, comments, critiques and willingness to help NPN members are greatly appreciated!
I couldn’t think of a more deserving and talented photographer to be a moderator. Your comments are always insightful and your images are stunning. You are always willing to share and best of all I have had the privilege of meeting up with you on a couple of occasions.
Congrats @Ed_McGuirk, you have been super generous with your comments in my short time here…looking forward to learning more from you!
A well deserved recognition @Ed_McGuirk - looking forward to your cracking the whip on some of mine
Thank you Karl, but its more like cracking the luminosity mask on you