Pond Watching

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


When I looked through my recent files, I didn’t see any views that fit this week’s topic. During a morning visit to my pond, I noticed this Green Frog sitting at the pond’s edge in a location that I thought might work for negative space. My idea was use negative space to capture the feeling that I often get when I see the frogs sitting quietly by the pond edge, which is some combination of wistfulness and contemplation.

Technical Details

R5, 100-500 @ 472, 1/50 s, f/13, iso 800, tripod

What a cool image, Mark. I like the negative space, you used it to provide the feeling to me of how small this little guy is and how large his world around him must feel. It looks like he might even be contemplating a leap off into the pond below. Very nicely done.

I like this, Mark. I think we sometimes make a mistake when we try to make smaller critters fill the screen. This puts the frog in a more realistic context. I do notice a bit of double image effect along the edge of the slightly out of focus rock to the left of the frog.