Red-Tail Prowl

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis)

I came across this Red-tailed Hawk just finishing up a late breakfast. He then immediately proceeded to come towards me, appearing to be on the hunt for more food…I was about 30 feet away. I like the intensity of the stare and that forward foot. Pretty cool.

Specific Feedback

I think I’m a little too close to this image. Please let me know about the crop/comp. The camera white balance came back with a decidedly purple tone so I tweaked the tint and kelvin. It was a very overcast day. Are the colors ok?

Technical Details

600mm, 1/500sec @ f/8, ISO 3200

Wow! Colors look perfect to me, as does everything else – DOF, detail, tonalities, setting, and the intent subject in a sort of suspended animation. The crop is wonderful with good balance. I wouldn’t change a thing!

I had one do something like this years ago – it was a juvenile and in an area where people walked so it had good tolerance. It caught a vole and ate it about that same distance from me. With grass in between, of course.

Very good, Dave. I love that intense stare and the pose. No nit’s on this presentation.

Great shot. Not too close. Just right.

I love thepose you caught here. I’ve seen them walk/hop around on the ground from time to time. You nailed this one. It has great color, details, and the composition is fine.

@Diane_Miller, @Dennis_Plank, @Jim_Gavin, and @Ed_Williams thanks for the kind comments. It was a lot of fun photographing this guy.

Hi David, love the stalking pose and that glare of intensity. Colors and crop look good to me. Seeing the legs is something else too - unique view of this predator. Well done.

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